Angel of Reason against a Backdrop of Infinite Possibilities
Kandabaeva Galina
The painting "Angel of Reason Against a Backdrop of Infinite Possibilities" depicts a golden angel girl, symbolizing reason and wisdom, against a background of blue sky interspersed with white clouds. This image conveys the idea of sustainability and the endless potential for development embodied in the human mind. Together, these images create an inspiring and motivating message that intelligence and resilience can lead us to a brighter and more prosperous future.
Artist Statement: Osnovnoy temoy moyego tvorcheskogo issledovaniya stala zhivaya priroda, peyzazhi. S 2020 goda issleduyu temu ezoteriki, kul'tury i byta razlichnykh narodov ikh svyaz' s prirodoy. Osobennyy interes vyzyvayet rabota s zakazchikom pozvolyayushchaya obresti novoye videniye mira. S 2023 goda eksperimental'no praktikuyu abstraktnuyu formu rabot. Sovmeshchayu professional'nuyu deyatel'nost' inzhenera s tvorchestvom. Osnovnym uvlecheniyem krome tvorchestva stali turizm i ezotericheskiye praktiki.
Об авторе: In 2022, based on the results of participation in competitions organized by the Russian branch of the World Fund for the Arts Charitable Foundation The work “Big Eyes” presented in Moscow at the international portrait art competition in the watercolor portrait competition section in the category portrait of a child received 2nd place. The work “Sea Waltz” presented in Minsk at the international watercolor art competition, in the “Fauna and Wildlife” nomination received 3rd place. Since 2023, resident of the international association of artists ASM-CLUB.