Parade Petersburg

200 €

About The Artwork: St. Petersburg is my favorite city. A city of creative people, where the ceremonial part of the ceremonial facades is easily combined with the negligence and freedom of the gateways." Isaac again in vestments Made of cast silver. The Horse of the Great Peter is freezing with menacing impatience." (poems by Anna Akhmatova)

Artist Statement: Our life is Abstract, but we constantly strive to organize it, to put it into some kind of framework, to sort it into shelves. But is it possible to organize FIRE? Or put the WIND in a box? What to do with emotions that run wild? We have learned to control the fire - it creates heat in the fireplace. My task, as an artist, is to harmoniously fit emotion into the interior. Canvas and paints are my tool.

BIO: Lives and works in St. Petersburg. She received a classical academic education at the school of arts. In recent years, he has been experimenting a lot in abstract painting. Member of the Union of Russian Artists. Member of the Art Association EOS Parma Italy Laureate of the 1st degree of the International Competition GLOBAL ASIA