African Wild Dog at Savannah Sunset

200 €

About The Artwork: My family has always loved animals and they were full members of the house. From early childhood, my parents instilled in me a love for our smaller brothers. As an adult, I continue our family tradition: a cat and a dog are always at home, without them the family is incomplete. All homeless cats, dogs, and birds in the area are fed. Pictures with images of a variety of animals are constantly being drawn. Loving animals and helping them is a good tradition that I will pass on to my children.

Artist Statement: Art will save the world!

BIO: Nadezhda Fernando, born in 1986, is an animal artist and volunteer from Moscow. She draws wild and domestic animals and customised portraits of pets in watercolour alla prima technique. Being originally a fascinating hobby drawing has grown into a favourite lifework with a deep meaning: Nadezhda improves her skills as an artist to help animals and make this world a little kinder. 40% from the sale of any painting goes to charity for homeless animals.